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Otras músicas
David Johnstone es un compositor con una gran trayectoria especializado en instrumentos de cuerda y / o una escritura musical clásica ligera. También es experto en la composición de piezas orquestales de cuerdas que están enfocadas hacia las capacidades de las orquestas juveniles y conservatorias. Tiene unas 60 obras publicadas por la editorial británica Creighton’s Collection. Sin embargo, no se limita al repertorio de cuerdas como solistas. Ha hecho contribuciones sustanciales a la mayoría de los instrumentos de viento, al acordeón y el repertorio de música de cámara de cuerdas.
Su música original se ha escuchado en más de 40 países. Su web incluye muchas partituras, transcripciones y artículos para descargar. En esta gran sección se puede ver una lista con los detalles exactos de sus obras originales, y las 60 obras publicadas profesionalmente por el editor Creighton’s Collection de Gran Bretaña.
Aparte del trabajo de composición, en esta web se pueden ver cientos de sus arreglos en las descargas, especialmente para los violonchelistas. Esta actividad ha conducido a colaboraciones especiales como compositor-arreglista-intérprete, como con la Philadelphia Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi, Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela, Orchestre Nouvelle Generation de Montreal, the Gulbenkian Orchestra (Lisbon), Orchestra da Camera del Locarnese (Suiza), The Zagreb Soloists, the Saint Petersburg Musical Theatre “Zazerkalye” Chamber Orchestra, the Wroclaw Chamber Orchestra Leopoldinum (Poland), Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra (New Zealand), Camerata Cambrensis (Basque country), Essener Philharmoniker (Germany), Ensemble Metamorphosis of Belgrade (Serbia), with Ara Malikian and the Non Profit Music Chamber Orchestra (Madrid), y un largo etc. Actualmente, muchos cursos, conservatorios y escuelas de música, etc. usan su música. De hecho, hay decenas de sus arreglos y composiciones en ‘You Tube’…
¡Disfruta la música!
Para el mundo entero, tanto para CD como para partituras, están disponibles en Creighton’s Collection, haciendo contacto aquí:
Creighton's Collection
244 Cathedral Road
Cardiff, CF11 9JG
Wales, Great Britain
Tel. +44 29 2039 7711 (desde G.B. 029-2039-7711)
Or by Internet: www.cccd.co.uk E-mail: tim/at/creightonscollection.co.uk
o solo desde dentro de la Península Ibérica, las partituras pueden obtenerse de:
C/ San Martín 28, 2005 San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa.
Tel. 943 42 65 36. Fax. 943 28 57 97
E-Mail: erviti/at/euskalnet.net Personal Contact: Haizea
WITH distribution to all Spain, and Portugal
Tenga en cuenta que unos pocos se repiten de otras secciones, dada su originalidad!
Two Spanish Christmas Carols, for Choir (S.A.T.B.) and String Orchestra
Text: Kotte García Goicoechea
Duration: 8 min
Written: 1994
First performance: not yet premiered
Preludio "Tunocco 10", for 10 brass instruments
Duration: 2 mins
Written: 2002
First performance: no yet premiered
Dedication: Grupo de Metales ‘Tunocco Brass’
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
2 Scottish Miniatures, for Tenor or Solo Cello and String Orchestra
Duration: 5 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: 2005
Dedication: Aritz Gómez Uranga
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Zapateado de San Fermin, for Flute and Harp duo
(5’ 30”)
Written: 2001
First Performance: in this version in 2006
Dedication: Roberto Casado and Elizabeth Colard
Music published by Creighton’s Collection http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Five Times Two is Eleven, for 10 brass instruments (percussion ad.lib.)
Duration: 8’ 30”
(There also exists a "Fanfare" 1' 30'' based on the same material)
Written: 2002
First performance: 2003
Dedication: Brass Ensemble "Tunocco Brass"
RECORDING: https://youtu.be/oqU7qyT-wLE
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Preludio "Tunocco 10", for 10 brass instruments
Duration: 2 mins
Written: 2002
First performance: no yet premiered
Dedication: Grupo de Metales ‘Tunocco Brass’
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Aria for Four, (Easy Miniature for four Treble instruments)
Appropiate for flautists, violinists, oboists and accordionists (students)
Duration: 4’ 30”
Written: 2002
Dedication: Music School of the Egüés Valley (Olaz, Navarre)
First performance: no yet premiered
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Mediterranean Suite, for four Accordions
Duration: 14 mins
Written: 2004
First performance: 2005
Dedication: Nekane Iturrioz and the "Lehia" Accordion Quartet
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Cello Company, for 4 Cellos or Cello Orchestra
Duration: 5' 30" mins
Written: 2006
First performance: 2008
Dedication: Jon-Erik Johnstone Yánez
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Cello Addiction, for 4 Cellos or Cello Orchestra
Duration: 8 mins
Written: 2006
First performance: 2008
Dedication: Kevin Johnstone Yánez
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Cadenzas and Cadences for VIOLONCELLO
A special volume of Cadenzas and Cadences for Cello Concertos from 1750 onwards; with Notes on Cadenza Preparation / with Repertoire Notes / with Notes on the Historical Importance / with Performance Notes.
Written: 2006
First Performance: N/A
Music published by Creighton’s Collection http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Romanza (Romantic Concert Fantasy), for Alto Flute (Flute in G) and Piano
Duration: 8' 30"
Written: 2007
First performance: not yet premiered
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Ave Maria (Johnstone-Gounod-Bach), for Varied Trio formations
Duration: 5 mins
Written: 2009
First performance: 2009 (in clarinet, cello, piano version)
Dedication: Maria Concepción Gorriz Idoate
Many versions exist, including for clarinet/violin, violoncello and piano, for 2 violines, 2 violas, violin + viola, and also with trumpet, alto flute (in G). There is also a versión for 4 accordions, and for 6 cellos.
RECORDING: https://youtu.be/K9WJYg2ZW68
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
The Borràs Dances (Las Danzas Borràs), for Clarinet and Piano (with extra optional cello)
Concert Dance-Caprice (“Jumping Joan”)
Sarabande for Sara (“Soothing Sara”)
In the Clouds - Waltz (“Wedding Waltz”)
Duration: in total 10’ 30”
Written: 2010
First performance: not yet premiered in its entirety
Dedication: Joan Josep Borràs Grau and Sara Sicilia Felipe
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Melody for Cintia, for cello and small jazz/pop group, or 8 Cellos
Duration: 4’ 00”
Written: 2010
First performance: 2015 (and audio available, recorded for film)
Dedication: Cintia Rico Abajo
[Alternative version for Eight Cellos]
VIDEO in version for Eight Cellos:
Sheet Music available forr 8 Cello version
The Swedlund Sinfonia, for 8 Cellos or Cello Orchestra
Duration: 7' 30''
Written: 2012
First performance: 2013
Dedication: Ian Swedlund
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Escape Symphony, for Orchestra of Txistus, strings, percussion and organ (accordion)
Duration: 12' 00''
Written: 2013
First performance: 2013
Dedication: Raúl Mendinabeitia
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=wyaYPI1F4s4
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
The Accordion Masters, for Accordion Orchestra or 8 solo accordionists
Duration: 7' 30''
Written: 2014
First performance: 2015
Dedication: to all professional accordionists, professors, and students of the accordion in Navarre.
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Suarez Sonorities, for Strings in two versions
Version A - 6 Violins and 2 Violas
Version B - 8 Cellos
Duration: 5' 30''
First performance: 2014
Dedication: Raquel Suarez
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Swinging Accordions, for Accordion Orchestra or 4 Solo Accordions
Duration: 4' 30''
Written: 2015
First performance: 2015
Dedication: el pueblo de Aibar, Navarra, España
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
Olympic, for Solo Txistu
(5’ 15”)
Written: 2016
First Performance: 2016
Dedication: Raúl Madinabeitia
Sheet Music in johnstone-music
The following ORIGINAL WORKS of David Johnstone have been recorded for television in the form of a live concert:
Fantasy-Sonatina, for Flute and Piano. Tele 5, Madrid
Zapateado of San Fermin, for Flute and Piano. Tele 5, Madrid
Solo Cello Pieces - Danzas Virtuosas for Solo Violoncello. Introduction (Sarabande) and Gigue / The Prisioner (Danza Virtuosa No.2) / Danzas de Galicia (Galician Dances). Tele 5, Madrid
Suite “The Witches of Zugarramurdi”, for Oboe, Violin, Viola and Violoncello. Tele 5, Madrid
Sonata de Cámara “Mar del Plata”, for Accordion and string quartet. Tele 5, Madrid
Petite Suite Historique, for Viola and Violoncello. Tele 5, Madrid
Piezas Románticas, for Piano solo. Tele 5, Madrid
Trío Sinfónico, for Clarinet, Cello and Piano. Televisión Española (TVE), La Rioja, España
Tango Concierto, for Solo Cello with accordion accompaniment Tele 5, Madrid
David Johnstone has composed for the following films/documentaries as described below each entry:
2019 - Gari Gorria; Isiltasunaren Ahotsa" (Trigo Rojo, la voz del silencio) -
music for a full documentary film, produced by Xavier Berraondo
Duration: c. 1hr 10 mins
Instrumental Music for: piano-keyboards, string quartet, additional cello, oboe, clarinet, French horn, Txistu (basque flute), 2 saxophones and accordion.
2018 - VidaLoKa’L 2 (Incidental music for short film for town of Berriozar, Navarre)
Duration: c.10’00”
Music for 2 Cellos
Score and both parts in johnstone-music
2012 - Chinese Burns. Full length film, Produced by Hill Roberts Films, directed by Alan Ronald
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x5a9Z3FnlQ&feature=youtu.be
2012 - Enterrados hasta las Rodillas. Short Film (9') directed by Alex Ortega.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsVaTAyZIUw
MUSICAL EXTRACT A - Nafarroeste (Jota): https://youtu.be/IlPOly6mxyI
MUSICAL EXTRACT B - Tema de Carrera (Race theme): https://youtu.be/MxwQyQNtKic
Dr. Vesalius. Animation (6’) Julian Roberts Productions with the London Film Institute.
The Plague. Animation (5’) Julian Roberts Productions for television Channel 4, Great Britain. Special invitation in the film festivals of Ankara (Turkey), London, Edinburgh, and Krok (Ucraine).
Cross-Bones. Series of 6 Short Animation Films (total 35’). Julian Roberts Productions for television Channel 4, Great Britain.
The Golem. Animation Film (5’) Julian Roberts Productions for television Channel 4, Great Britain. Award Winner in the Cracow Film Festival.
Criminal Justice. Animation Film (5’). Julian Roberts Productions.
Lost works
If anyone holds a copy please tell us!!
Fugue, for Violoncello solo (2 mins)
Grosse Fuga, for String Quartet (8 mins)
Scalic Serenade, for String Orchestra (5 mins)
Simple Sinfonia, for 6 Cellos (3 mins)
Variaciones Concertantes (on a theme by Khachaturian), for Two Cellos (10 mins)