Obras de orquesta
Obras de orquesta
David Johnstone es un compositor con una gran trayectoria especializado en instrumentos de cuerda y / o una escritura musical clásica ligera. También es experto en la composición de piezas orquestales de cuerdas que están enfocadas hacia las capacidades de las orquestas juveniles y conservatorias. Tiene unas 60 obras publicadas por la editorial británica Creighton’s Collection. Sin embargo, no se limita al repertorio de cuerdas como solistas. Ha hecho contribuciones sustanciales a la mayoría de los instrumentos de viento, al acordeón y el repertorio de música de cámara de cuerdas.
Su música original se ha escuchado en más de 40 países. Su web incluye muchas partituras, transcripciones y artículos para descargar. En esta gran sección se puede ver una lista con los detalles exactos de sus obras originales, y las 60 obras publicadas profesionalmente por el editor Creighton’s Collection de Gran Bretaña.
¡Disfruta la música!
Para el mundo entero, tanto para CD como para partituras, están disponibles en Creighton’s Collection, haciendo contacto aquí:
Creighton´s Collection
244 Cathedral Road
Cardiff, CF11 9JG
Wales, Great Britain
Tel. +44 29 2039 7711 (desde G.B. 029-2039-7711)
Or by Internet: www.cccd.co.uk
E-mail: tim(arroba)creightonscollection.co.uk
Nocturno Romanza, for String Orchestra
Duration: 8 mins
Written: 1994
First performance: 1996
Dedication: Rosa María
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Wishful Thinking, (Amara, Donostia) for String Orchestra
Duration: 5 mins
Written: first jotted down in 1984, re-worked in 1994
First Performance: 1998
Dedication: Jennie Bennet
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
There is an alternative version for String Quartet, also available from Creighton’s Collection
RECORDING: https://youtu.be/APgWh1B5gMs
The Exorcism of a Passion, Symphonic Poem, for Symphony Orchestra
Duration: 22 mins
Written: 1995
First Performance: 1996
Dedication: Pablo Sarasate Orchesta of Pamplona
Swinging Strings, for String Orchestra
Duration: 4’ 30”
Written: 1996
First Performance: 1997
Dedication: Robert (Bob) Dent
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
There is an alternative version for String Quartet, also available from Creighton’s Collection
Adoration, for String Orchestra
Duration: 6 mins
Written: 1996
First performance: 2005
Dedication: Tim
Sheet music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Anything for You (Viaje en el topo), for String Orchestra
Duration: 6 mins
Written: 1997
First performance: 2001
Dedication: Germán Ormazabal and the Basque National Orchestra
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
Elegy (The Oration of the Bull), for Solo Viola and String Orchestra
Duration: 7 mins
Written: 1997
First performance: 1999
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Symphony (in one moment) ['Orchestration Study' Symphony], for Symphony Orchestra
Duration: 25 mins
Written: 1997-2000
First peformance: not yet premiered
Zapateado of San Fermin, for Flute/Violin and String Orchestra
Duration: 5’ 30”
Written: 1999
First performance: 2002, in flute and orchestra version
Dedication: Roberto Casado and Fermín Ansó
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos” in the version for FLUTE
Rhapsody Concertante, for Solo Violin and String Orchestra
Duration: 14 mins
Written: 2000
First performance: the complete work not yet premiered as far as is known
Dedication: Catalina García-Mina
Music for violin and piano published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Orchestral Parts available in the johnstone-music web
RECORDING (of the last part of the Rhapsody Concertante): https://youtu.be/3BrIggbtNBA
Perpetuum mobile, for Solo Violin and String Orchestra
(last part of the Rhapsody Concertante)
Duration: 3 mins
Written: 2000
First performance: 2002
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
Music for violin and piano published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Orchestral Parts available in the johnstone-music web
RECORDING: https://youtu.be/3BrIggbtNBA
Poema de Amor, for Clarinet (violin) and String Orchestra
Duration: 6' 30''
Written: 2001
First performance: 2002
Dedication: Joan Borràs (clarinet) y Hernando Deheza (violin)
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
Violin Company, for String Orchestra
This work only uses the higher string sections; violins and violas
Duration: 5’ 30”
Written: 2001
First performance: 2002
Dedication: to the Village of Orio, in the Basque Country
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
[however, a newer and fuller version of this exists and SUBSTITUTES with the title “Violin and Viola Friends” please see later here and also in the chamber music section of Compositions]
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Calling C.C., for String Orchestra
Piece features the principal cellist (or violin leader) in the middle section
Duration: 6’ 30”
Written: 2001
First performance: 2002
Dedication: Caroline Collier
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
Resurrection, for String Orchestra
Duration: 9 mins
Written: 2001
First performance: 2002
Dedication: Herminio Martín Romero
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos” and also on the CD “Tears of Beauty”
Pleasing Pizzicatos, for String Orchestra
Piece features the Double Bass section of the orchestra almost throughout
Duration: 4’ 30”
Written: 2001
First performance: 2002
Dedication: Piotr Korewjo
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
Another version is available for String Quintet, also from Creighton’s Collection
Walking to Heaven with the Masters, for String Orchestra
N.B. Orchestral sections originally comprised Vln I, Vln II, Vln III, Vla, Vlc and DB)
Duration: 6 mins
Written: 2001
First performance: 2002
Dedication: to the memory of Christophe Migdula
This work appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
However, a newer (and better) version for conventional string sections is now available … General Score and Individual Parts (new version) in johnstone-music
Concierto de Cámara (Mar del Plata) , for Accordion and String Orchestra
Duration: 23 mins
Written: 2003
First performance: 2004
Dedication: Javier López Jaso and Neofusión-Tango
Music published by "Creighton´s Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Another version is available for Accordion and String Quartet, also from Creighton’s Collection
Movement II (Allegro de concert) - https://youtu.be/GAOaNCKhOjA
Movement III (Habanera) - https://youtu.be/xiRI7h5Rpb8
Movement IV (Finale - Vigoroso) - https://youtu.be/_E4vQhM2yUg
Habanera, for Solo Violin, Solo Viola and String Orchestra
Duration: 4 mins
Written: 2003
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Jesse Levine
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Nel Nome del Signore (Religious Piece), for String Orchestra
Duration: 3 mins
Written: 2003
First performance: 2003
Dedication: Hernando Deheza
RECORDING: https://youtu.be/Pf9lVM8lsiY
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Cuban melody, for String Orchestra
Duration: 5 mins
Written: 2003
First performance: 2004
Dedication: Eva Niño y Jorge Sánchez
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Fantasy on an Orbital Theme, for Orchestra and Choir (SATB)
Duration: 4 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: 2005
Dedication: Television EiTB, Basque Country, Spain
Song of the Fiords, for String Orchestra
Duration: 6 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: not yet premiered in orchestral version
Dedication: Alfonso Ortiz
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Another version is available for String Quartet
RECORDING (in string quartet version): https://youtu.be/oHov49vOlSc
Sarabande for Strings, for String Orchestra
Duration: 7' 30"
Written: 2005
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Violet Mary Iremonger (Johnstone)
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
English Serenade, for String Orchestra
Duration: 10 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Albert Barkus F.R.C.O.
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
Larghetto, for String Orchestra ('Lord thy word Abideth')
Duration: 4 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: 2007
Dedication: Caroline Collier and the Chamber Orchestra Camerata Cambrensis
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
2 Scottish Miniatures, for Tenor or Solo Cello and String Orchestra
Duration: 5 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: 2005
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Christmas Carols Concertante, for String Orchestra
Duration: 10 mins
Written: 2005
First performance: 2005
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Romanza (Romantic Concert Fantasy), for Alto Flute (Flute in G) and String Orchestra
Duration: 8' 30''
Written: 2007
First performance: not yet premiered
Music published by "Creighton's Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
The Four Seasons (Romantic and Celtic Pieces), for String Orchestra with ‘obligato’ solo violin
Wondrous Winter - Springing Spring - Sweet Summer - Aching Autumn
Duration: 16' 00''
Written: 2007
First performance: not yet premiered
Music published by "Creighton´s Collection" http://www.creighton-griffiths.co.uk/acatalog/David_Johnstone_Compositions.html
No piano reduction is available
RECORDINGS (rehearsal recording):
Movement I - https://youtu.be/5xqF-eHWlwA
Movement II - https://youtu.be/GTtelNxtZKw
Movement III - https://youtu.be/AkAJADIs9EA
Movement IV - https://youtu.be/GaYRrorPhPg
Ave Maria (Johnstone-Gounod-Bach), for String Orchestra
Duration: 5 mins
Written: 2009
First performance: 2010
Dedication: Maria Concepción Gorriz Idoate
RECORDING (in alternative version for clarinet, cello and piano): https://youtu.be/K9WJYg2ZW68
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Double Concertante, for Solo Violin, Solo Cello and Chamber Orchestra
Duration: 16' 00''
Written: 2009
First performance: 2011
Dedication: Leo Viola
RECORDING (Youth Orchestra):
Part I - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI-WalW-G_s
Part II - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fXcT7nIdQk
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Poème Élégiaque, for Solo Violin, Solo Viola, Solo Cello and String Orchestra
Duration: 13' 30”
Written: 2009
First performance: 2010
Dedication: Isabel Morales Castilla
RECORDING: https://youtu.be/DMa-4w9-xcM
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Oration (Elegiac Piece), for Solo Cello and Chamber Orchestra
Duration: 13' 00''
Written: 2009
First performance: 2010
Dedication: Isabel Morales Castilla
RECORDING (of the sister work Poème Élégiaque): https://youtu.be/DMa-4w9-xcM
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Concerto for Solo Accordion and Orchestra
Duration: 32' 00''
Written: 2009-10
First performance: 2010
Dedication: Nekane Iturrioz, Angel Luis Goñi and Salvador Parada
RECORDING of the Third Movement:
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Sinfonia of Passion
Duration: 7' 30"
Written: 2010
First performance: 2010 (violin-viola version)
Dedications - varying dedications according to the instrumental soloists employed:
Violin-Viola: Catalin Bucataru y Luis Ibiricu
2 Violins: Tianwa Yang
2 Violas: Paul Cortese and Montse Vallvé Gavarron
2 Clarinets: Marixi Sesma & Carlos Casado
Clarinet-Viola: Joan Borràs
Oboe-Cor Anglais: Juan Manuel Crespo
Oboe-Viola: Mª Eugenia de Quintana
Oboe-Clarinet: Joan Borràs
VIDEO Extract - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=necMzu6z5fM
Sound Recording complete of Violin and Viola version:
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Triquetra - Easter Symphony [Religious Symphony], for String soloists and string orchestra
{three orchestral works forming an Easter Trilogy: 1) Poème Élégiaque (with solo cello, violin, viola) 2) Sinfonia of Passion (with solo violin, viola) 3) Larghetto for strings (with string 'concertino' group)}
Duration: 21' 00''
Written: 2010
First performance: 2010
Dedication: see individual pieces for their dedications
VIDEO Extract: Sinfonia of Passion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=necMzu6z5fM
Romantic Concerto Grosso, for Solo Piano and String Quartet, with a string orchestra
Duration: 14' 00''
Written: 2010
First performance: 2018
Dedication: Eric John Johnstone
VIDEO - Romantic Concerto Grosso, for Solo String Quartet, solo piano and String Orchestra
(Orquesta Marga Marga, Chile)
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Intima, for Solo Cello, or Solo Viola, and String Orchestra
Duration: 10' 00''
Written: 2012
First performance: not yet premiered in orchestral version
Dedication: Ramona and Juan
RECORDING (cello/piano):
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Escape Symphony [miniature Symphony], for Orchestra of Txistus, strings, percussion and organ (accordion)
Duration: 8' 00''
Written: 2013
First performance: 2013
Dedication: Raúl Mendinabeitia
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=wyaYPI1F4s4
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Carmen Fantasy, for Solo Cello and Orchestra (Strings)
Duration: 11' 30''
Written: 2015
First Performance: 2015 in version for Cello and Cello Orchestra
Dedication: Rodolfo Zanni
(Also available for Solo Cello and String Orchestra or with Cello Orchestra)
VIDEO of the HABANERA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9hLWJv45_w
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Violin and Viola Friends, for String Orchestra
This work only uses the higher string sections; violins and violas [also can be performed as an octet of 6 violins and 2 violas]
Duration: 7’ 45”
Written: base of earlier material 2001, completed 2014
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: to the Village of Orio, in the Basque Country
The base of this work (early version) appears on the CD “Entre Dos Mundos”
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Concerto-Symphony, for Txistu soloist and String Orchestra
Duration: 23' 00''
Written: 2019
First performance: Recorded by the Basque National Orchestra (2021)
Dedication: Félix Palomero
General Score and Individual Orchestral Parts & Soloist part with notes in johnstone-music
Cello Concerto (the ‘Popular’), for Cello soloist and full String Orchestra
Duration: 23' 00'' to 25’00”
Written: revised 2021, from the original in 2005
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Carlos Ariel Gracia Baez
General Score and Individual Orchestral Parts & Soloist part with notes in johnstone-music
Concerto-Rhapsody (the ‘Romantic’), for Double-Bass soloist and Orchestra
Duration: 25' 00'' to 27’00”
Written: 2021
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Juan Canal & Piotr Piotrowski
General Score and Individual Orchestral Parts & Soloist part with notes in johnstone-music
Concerto (‘Elegiac’), for solo Viola and Chamber Orchestra
Duration: 19 mins
Written: 2021 (based on a 1995-96 work)
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Rosa Maria Yánez
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Gernika Sinfonica - Original melodies by Pablo Sorozabal - A new setting for an Unusual Symphony Orchestra of Strings, Wind, Brass, Txistus (could be substituted by oboes/bassoon), Piano & Accordion orchestra by David Johnstone
Duration: 7’ 30”
Written: 2023
First performance: December, 2023 – Teatro Gayarre, Pamplona (Spain)
Dedication: Armonías Sin Fronteras Navarra - Mugarik Gabeko Harmoniak Nafarroa - Músicos Sin Fronteras en Navarra.
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music
Concert Waltzes (‘Euskal-Mex Mix’, for an Unusual Symphony Orchestra of Strings, Wind, Brass, Txistus (could be substituted by oboes/bassoon), Piano & Accordion
Duration: 10 mins
Written: 2023
First performance: not yet premiered
Dedication: Raúl Madinabeitia
General Score and Individual Parts in johnstone-music