orch-Johnstone-SAINT-SAËNS – Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 33 – 1st Movement – for CELLO SOLOIST and CELLO QUARTET/ORCHESTRA OF CELLOS
- mayo 19, 2020
- daib0

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CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS – Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 33 – 1st Movement – for CELLO SOLOIST and CELLO QUARTET, or CELLO SOLOIST and ORCHESTRA OF CELLOS, orchestrated by David Johnstone
Download Contents or Instructions:
PDF 1 – Movement I – Individual cello part to Accompanying Cello Orchestra/Quartet – CELLO 1 (9 pages in all)
PDF 2 – Movement I – Individual cello part to Accompanying Cello Orchestra/Quartet – CELLO 2 (9 pages in all)
PDF 3 – Movement I – Individual cello part to Accompanying Cello Orchestra/Quartet – CELLO 3 (9 pages in all)
PDF 4 – Movement I – Individual cello part to Accompanying Cello Orchestra/Quartet – CELLO 4 (9 pages in all)
PDF 5 – Individual cello part to complete SOLOIST CELLO PART with Johnstone rehearsal numbers (12 pages in all)
General difficulty of the music – other Information:
Camille Saint-Saëns composed his Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor, Op. 33 in 1872, when the composer was 37 years old. He wrote this work for the Belgian cellist Auguste Tolbecque. Tolbecque was part of a distinguished family of musicians closely associated with the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, France’s leading concert society. The concerto was first performed on January 19, 1873 at the Paris conservatoire concert with Tolbecque as soloist. This was considered a mark of Saint-Saëns’ growing acceptance by the French musical establishment. Sir Donald Francis Tovey later wrote «Here, for once, is a violoncello concerto in which the solo instrument displays every register without the slightest difficulty in penetrating the orchestra.»
It is cast in the standard three-movement concerto format although the central movement can hardly be classed as slow…
- Allegro non troppo
- Allegretto con moto
- Tempo primo – un poco menos allegro
{Total duration: approx. 21-22 mins.}
I always felt that a cello ensemble version with soloist would make a most interesting option for almost everyone of medium-advanced levels! That is to say: music conservatoires, the cello sections of professional or advanced level community symphony orchestras, and certainly to the younger generation of promising cellists who understandably wish to get the feel of what it is really like playing a ‘big’ concerto but do not (as of yet!) have a concert performance invitation from a full orchestra. So the idea, in part, is for a soloist to gain increasing confidence, by fully hearing the sustaining harmonies in a way in which a piano alone does not offer you.
It can be equally well played by an accompanying cello quartet or by a larger ensemble of ensembles (in which case please always play divisi when opportunities arise!). What I have basically done is to go half-way between using the piano reduction and the general orchestral score, literally checking every phrase. But that way it is well useful to see which type of version works best for cello ensemble. The work is transcribed in full, although it is stating ‘rehearsal cello ensemble’; for all formal and informal performances this concept will work perfectly.
P.S. If you ever record this music (preferably onto YouTube) we would be delighted to add YOUR link here and in the Audio-Video section of the Web …
There is an article in the web ‘Johnstone-Music’ for free download on the Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto called “Truths and Rumours on Saint-Saens Cello Concerto in A minor, Op.33”
See here:
Truths and Rumours on Saint-Saens Cello Concerto in A minor
VLC59 – by David Johnstone
In English / en inglés
Enjoy the music!
Bienvenidos a Johnstone-Music! Una gran web anglo-hispano para MÚSICOS y especialmente para CELLISTAS – partituras originales para los instrumentos orquestales y teclado. Artículos, audios, videos, recursos, catálogos, noticias, etc. Web oficial del violoncellista profesional David Johnstone, primer violoncello de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra, intérprete de música de cámara, y solista en muchos estrenos. Cientos de arreglos de cello en la web por un precio simbólico por descarga o gratis. https://johnstone-music.com
Las siguientes organizaciones han llevado su trabajo, a veces con colaboraciones especiales como compositor-arreglista-intérprete: la Orquesta de Filadelfia, la Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi, la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela, la Orquesta Nueva Generación de Montreal, la Orquesta Gulbenkian (Lisboa), la Orquesta de Cámara del Locarnese (Suiza), The Zagreb Soloists, la Orquesta de Cámara «Zazerkalye» del Teatro Musical de San Petersburgo, la Orquesta de Cámara de Wroclaw Leopoldinum (Polonia), la Orquesta Filarmónica de Auckland (Nueva Zelanda), Camerata Cambrensis (País Vasco), Ensemble Metamorphosis de Belgrado (Serbia), con Ara Malikian (Orquesta Non Profit Music – Madrid), y una larga etc. Actualmente, muchos cursos, conservatorios y escuelas de música, departamentos universitarios de cuerdas, etc. usan su repertorio; hay docenas de sus arreglos en ‘YouTube’ …
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