One piece for free (with all its PDFs) from the Transcriptions/Arrangements and a piece for free (with all its PDFs) from the original compositions of David Johnstone
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It is possible to listen to many transcriptions and arrangements, principally those of Johnstone-Music (and also original works of David Johnstone) to give you an idea of possible repertoire for your group or ensemble in the future. Virtually all the music shown can be easily found in sheet music in the web. There are pieces that are suitable for beginners up to music of virtuoso performers. Musical pieces from the Baroque to our own times; eminently ‘classical music’ pieces to the most popular music.
Johnstone-Music (‘documenting the cello’) was born with the idea of sharing cello music where possible; this might mean downloading pieces for free, or the order of other pieces at a truly reasonable price. We can recommend sites where you will also find reasonably priced pieces because one thing is covering the obvious costs of maintaining a complex web site but… "Art should come before business"! Therefore the following are some very good webs, with interesting cello material, and personalized attention - all recommended by Johnstone-Music:
CELLO FUN - Interesting articles, technique help, and free downloads of cello music, especially for solo cello without accompaniment. A site run by cellist Ian Swedlund, born in new Zealand and now working in the Basque National Orchestra:
CELLO EXPRESSIONS - Nick Halsey is an Engineer, Composer, and Designer in Portland, Oregon. The Cello Expressions Sheet Music Library features countless free arrangements and original compositions, primarily for cello ensembles of various configurations. He, like David Johnstone, has freely helped ‘The Boulder Cello Project’ (USA). His web:
VCELLO MUSIC PUBLICATIONS - Barbara Hedlund is a talented, intelligent musician operating with an informed viewpoint in all musical styles, and a lifetime of experience as principal orchestral cellist and teacher. There are fine arrangements which you will not find in any other place, at affordable prices, for example for the special combination of voice, cello and piano:
NO ES UNA GUITARRA - Excellent arrangements for larger cello ensembles - many suitable for music school and younger players - by the Catalan cellist Marçal Ayats, a performer with very varied experience including special roles alongside important pop musicians and singers. Some of the work he generously offers for free can also be found on Johnstone-Music (by permission):
YELLOW CELLO MUSIC - A large selection of playable ensemble music for the intermediate musician, usually graded according to ability. Some Works are offered free, but the majority are offered at very reasonable prices. The site is run by cellist Sheryl Smith, who previously has collaborated with Johnstone-Music: I would like to mention that her real specialty is setting up beginners for success - she has lots of super easy music for 2,3 and 4 cellos, and even some all open string duets to get people used to playing together...
We are happy to show here some photos of groups and ensembles who use material from Johnstone-Music in their performances and events. This might be from duos of two cellos up to grand cello orchestras of hundreds of cellists! But always only cellists! We have a close relationship, and fondness, with many of them. All are welcome…
In this sub-section there are photos and documents from groups, ensembles, conservatoires and music schools who have invited David Johnstone for his participation in their performances, events, courses, master classes, etc.
Lastly, we have photos and documents of groups, ensembles, and conservatoires/music schools with historical cellists together. To see individual photos of cellists please consult the Directory of Famous Historical Cellists (from the home page); here are cellists of history TOGETHER!